some day world war three will rage
and produce total global annihilation.
it will be the end of the age
and for great many lives the termination.

fire comes down from above,
the elements melt in the heat,
the heavens disappear with a roar.
atomic holocaust - final war.

the flesh of the wicked rot
while they are standing on their feet
their eyes rot in their sockets;
stench of burnies meat.

glaring lightning flashs tear
the darkness of the nuclear night.
mighty explosions erase the life work of mankind.
gigantic shock waves level towns with the ground.
mortal fallout covers everything
and brings the final death.

the sun is darkened,
the moon loses its light.
the stars fall from sky
and it is pitch dark night.

complete destruction - brutal mutilation.
complete destruction - total annihilation.

that day will be darkness
and come like a thief.
everywhere there will be destress.
so stay strong and believe!
stay strong and believe!

believe in jesus and have no fear,
because your redemption draws near.

"behold, i am coming soon!
my reward is with me
and i will give to everyone
according to what he has done!"

turn to jesus - trust in the holy son! [4 times]

believe in jesus and have no fear,
because your redemption draws near.

be alert! satan will deceive many people.
be prepared! for in the hour unknown
jesus christ will return!
to throw into the lake of fire
all what is evil.
to redeem the rightous and to kill the devil.

turn to jesus - trust in the holy son! [4 times]

believe in the word of christ
and you will survive.
stand firm until the end
and live the eternal life!